Posts tagged postpartum sex
5 Common Sex Myths - Debunked!

Let's face it -- talking about sex can be straight up uncomfortable. It can bring up feelings of awkwardness, embarrassment - and even make us feel intimidated. Plus, not to mention the loads of misinformation and assumptions made out there.

But, understanding our bodies and getting comfortable with our own sexuality is an important piece of our own self-expression and the ability to embody our most authentic self!

I partnered with Shop Good to debunk the top five sex myths I most commonly hear in my practice, (diagrams included!). Click on to enjoy the *juicy* subject matter as I set the record straight!

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The Shocking Truth About Pain

100% of pain comes from your brain, it has nothing to do with the amount of physical tissue damage you may or may not have. That being said, YOUR PAIN IS REAL, it is not in your head. I want to apologize for any medical professional who ever made you feel crazy or like you were imagining the pain or ever told you to just “have a glass of wine.”

Pain is a direct result of your brain’s opinion of how much danger you are in, the good news is, your brain and nervous system can be retrained.

Pain is generated by the brain as a way to keep you safe and it is completely context dependent.

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What/where the heck are my pelvic floor muscles?!

The pelvic floor muscles are some of the most protective muscles in your body. Many of us hold tension and stress in our pelvic floors (just like we do in our shoulders) which can result in pain during sex.

Many of the women I work with are worried about being too loose or too weak but tight pelvic floor muscles can often cause more problems than weak ones! They can cause genital pain, discomfort during sex, difficulty reaching orgasm, leaking of urine with a sneeze or laugh, constipation and low back pain.

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